Thursday, November 19, 2009


LIFE IS SHORT --- ENJOY IT!!!!!!!!! , This has become a common notion and a slogan today , with every young mind been captivated and constantly brain washed to think that LIFE is short and hence the duty of a individual is just to enjoy as much as possible, without any restrictions of any sort and do whatever you wish. This very thinking has let to a degraded lifestyle which has led to more irresponsible young populace , who think their forefathers and elders were some stupid bunch of people who used to worry so much about culture and GOD etc. And whenever these experience elders of the family try to advice the young kids, they consider them to be of old , orthodox thinking and reject their advice, only to find later in their life that they are placed in a difficult situation. Some intelligent and fortunate people admit their mistakes and start on the path of self realization, whereas others get carried away by temporary happiness and become egoistic and commit the same mistakes again to become completely illusioned and forget about GOD completely.

I have seen people who out of their sheer ignorance , very confidently advertise these things. They say as long as you earn sufficient money for your self you enjoy it and don't worry about the others , work hard and party hard simple . Wrong!!!!!! things are not that simple. Often such people are unaware of the facts working against them. As long as you have money and fortune it is very easy to get carried away by these temporary illusions of happiness. But there comes a time when you posses none , and it is these times which usually divert a sane living being towards GOD for help, but again as soon as he finds some relief he goes back to his original ways. Also after been habituated to party , drink , smoke, indulge in illicit sex , the mind is captivated by these things and a person in the absence of these things becomes restless and anxious. During the young phase of life, due to high energy and due to the wonderful illusions created by so called , dance bars, strip clubs, movies, violence, propensity for clubbing, pubbing, drinking , smoking, seems very elluring since, everywhere you look you find one or all of these things. It is very easy to get allured and fall into bad association. It tastes like nectar during the young period which is more of less 10 years, but later on which forms the major portion of the life till death these thinks are not easily available due to various restrictions and this slowly builds up frustration, which leads to anger , lust, greed, and finally illusion, which can only be broken by good assocaition.

So point to be noted here is , it is not very intelligent to loose our whole life to anger, lust, greed, lust and illusion ourselves completely for a few years for so called fun. This fun is also one of the tricks of maya , which makes you think it is fun kicks of which are felt later in the life.

As per the popular slogan, LIFE INDEED IS SHORT, so UTILIZE it to achievem higher happiness by assocaiting with GOD who has the immense capability of satisfying all your desires and give you everlasing happiness , which is never to found in this material world. SO please think over these topics and try to align them with your own lifes and see these things which are working against you. Since our existence is eternal and not this short lifetime of 50-60 years , please try to see the bigger picture and utilize this life time as a human, which is a rare benediction given to us to understand our real loving father , who thinks of our well being every moment.

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