Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Bhagavad Gita - The Lost Treasure

Some 5000 year Ago the Creator of this world Lord Sri Krishna , spoke the Bhagavat Gita to a exalted devotee Arjuna for the enlightenment of everyone and to teach the people in general of their goal of existence.

5000 years later in the Modern world , Bhagavat Gita is know as a Hindu religious scripture and is studies with great interest by many , to interpret it as per their whims. The essence of Bhagavat Gita could be understood only when it is accepted as Arjuna did 5000 years ago , as stated by Srila Prabhupada – Founder acharya of ISKCON.

Common Misconceptions:


Common populace is under the impression that Bhagavat Gita is something very grave and intense book of knowledge which is beyond their understanding, so they just don’t bother to read it. Unless you have actually experienced or read Bhagavat Gita, the assumption that it is not for common people is unintelligent . Infact 5000years ago it was spoken to Arjuna, who was a fighter, not any scholar. Moreover he understood it perfectly and carried out the orders of Sri Krishna. As stated by Prabhupada and from Vedic wisdom that only qualification needed to understand Bhagavat Gita is to understand it submissively, considering yourself to be a devotee of Sri Krishna. Thinking that whatever is said in the Gita is true since it is spoken by GOD, and at any moment we don’t try to interpret the teachings of Gita. The teachings in Gita are forbidden from interpreting since, interpretations are done by human beings who are imperfect ,as we all know we are always prone to make mistakes, we some times get illusioned .But God is perfect so his teachings can never be wrong.

Misconception 2
Some other people think that Bhagavat Gita is a scripture of Hindus. This misconception holds no ground either, since 5000 years ago there was no Hinduism, Christianism, or Muslimism, only religion followed then was Vedic. This is proved from the excavations of Indus Valley which was more than 2000 years ago. Hindus happen to accept it as their scripture on the basis of the profound scientific knowledge it possesses. Some people even think that since it is a religious scripture it talks about the moral codes what a person living in this world should follow, again this is a wrong conception since, Bhagavat Gita is a scientific book of knowledge which is beyond the mundane knowledge. It explains more about the real indentity of living entity, its nature, its relation with this material nature or this world and its relation with the Supreme living entity GOD.

Misconception 3

Some also think Gita is a book which talks about religion and so they read it as a novel and never try to understand what actually it says. This conception is also wrong since, Bhagavat Gita is not a philosophical literature written by some mundane person, it is practical science and can be applied in your life which would lead to happy life, if read properly from proper sources.

Misconception 4
Many people are misled today that only objective of their lives is to earn money live happily enjoying all kinds of sense enjoyment common phrase used by modern generation in “living in the moment”. Some people even think that life is to have fun, drink, party and enjoy. Such people often find out in their later stages of lives that they are in constant distress, till end of their lives. This happens because while they are young and rich they forget that this enjoyment is temporary. Everyone gets old and when there is no one to enjoy with, lonliness leads to all kinds of mental stress and physic disorders.

Misconception 5

Also many of the young people think that reading Bhagavat Gita or going to temples is for old people and they shall pursue it when they become old, till then enjoy. Well by the time a person grows old, he has already lost most of his life working and struggling hard for sense gratification, and at this point the person is habituated to the sense gratification and also the intelligence and mind becomes weak to grasp the concepts of Bhagavat Gita due to the disturbed mindset. So sooner people realize better will be the outcome.

Misconception 6

Some others today defy the existence of GOD. They say they don’t believe in GOD, this is like saying that I do not believe in air. You do not see air but you feel it , Similarly you cannot see GOD that does not mean GOD does not exists, you have to feel His presence and for that to happen the senses have to be developed so that One can feel GOD.

Moreover, If there is no GOD how can anyone explain the existence of so many natural resources , like , Iron ore , Trees, Oil, Stones, Mountains, Snow, etc, which man uses to make buildings, roads, or for that matter every material thing. Also the variety of living entities present around us. If you observe our surroundings, you will find that everything existing is not manufactured by humans, Infact human beings just manipulate the existing resources for their use. If one believes that it is nature, that’s how things work, then one should be aware that nothing is created or manufactured by chance or nothing drops from the sky and automatically exists, there has to be a controller to produce all the things we see around us. This is also found in our daily dealings, Even when we manufacture some thing, there are people behind it, some one uses intelligence some one is a controller etc. So how is that we can believe that such a complex creation where in human, animals, trees exist was created by chance. Also the human body which is so complex is not possible to be created by chance or from monkeys as some of the evolutions theories teach us.

So these misconceptions and many such other misconceptions have occupied the minds of the people and have diverted innocent and sincere people from the real knowledge which should be perceived by the every human being, since, human beings are bestowed with higher intelligence than the other animals or living entities by GOD, which should be used for higher pursuits. The things going on at present are centered on eating, sleeping, mating and defending in every aspect of human life which is seen also in the animals and they are living comfortably, without creating any industries or bars or sophisticated computers or atomic bombs. They are regularly supplied with the four necessities of life namely eating, sleeping, mating and defending, so why should a human being worry so much for these four things, they will be supplied as much one deserves as per his actions in previous lives by the arrangement of GOD.

Now some might say this article has been written by someone who is imperfect a human being how can we believe all this. For that I have experienced the difference in the life before and after reading Bhagavat Gita. Therefore it is not something which could be explained and people can understand. Best way to understand is to experience it by reading Bhagavat Gita. Hence I request you to please visit the following sites and just take some time to read some of the literatures which will appeal to a sane man. People in ISKCON are doing a great humanitarian work, look at the scientific evidences which will convince you at the authenticity and importance of All important and the Greatest book of all BHAGVAT GITA , which has being lost due to ignorance of this age.
You can also order a copy of Bhagvat Gita As it is through
You can find more links in the first link (gitamrta)
Everything written in this article is taken from the lectures of Srila Prabhupada-founder acarya of ISKCON and his teachings which can be seen in various sites listed above.

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